We work hard to forge strong industry connections here at Good Cycles and so we often connect with potential program participants through introductions from our broad network. That’s how we met Nathan.
While attending an industry event in Sunshine, our Transitional Employment Manager Belinda met a connection from Victoria Polytechnic, who in turn introduced her to a young jobseeker from Werribee’s Job Prospects. Nathan easily displayed his genuine interest in the bicycle industry. He had been volunteering at a Men’s Shed where he assisted with bike-related programs but was struggling to find paid employment. Our Pedal Empowerment Program, which offers participants vocational and employability training, seemed like the perfect fit.
After successfully completing the most recent PEP course at Docklands, Nathan was offered an internship through the Federal Government’s Youth Jobs PaTH program and started a trial placement with Good Cycles.
The trial offers Nathan the opportunity to gain exposure to and strengthen his understanding of the operational roles that our social enterprise delivers, including hands-on work experience as a Car Detailer, Bike Mechanic and Retail Store Assistant. “It’s an amazing opportunity and I’m so grateful. The team here already feel like family… it’s a very collaborative workplace and I’m learning something new every day.”
We’ve been blown away by Nathan’s enthusiasm, motivation and positive attitude during his time here and upon completion of the trial phase of the PaTH program, we look forward to welcoming him into a traineeship position at Good Cycles.