Our Research Release and Round Table Recap

Thank you to everyone who participated in and supported our Round Table Discussion.

Our Round Table Discussion was opened by Hannah Figueroa, our Impact Evaluation Lead, who released the findings of her research into exploring the  job market experiences of young people who are marginalised and the challenges they experience when trying to secure employment. 

In this research, staff from Good Cycles’ Youth Employment Program (YEP) shared personal experiences that gave valuable insights into how their needs and values influence their job choices, and their views on the challenges and opportunities in future work.

Hannah’s research covers three key areas:

Drivers behind youth unemployment: Understanding underemployment and weak participation in the labour market experienced by marginalised young people.

Engaging our youth: The needs and reasons for engaging in work among young people working at Good Cycles.

The future of work: Creating ‘green’ inclusive and sustainable jobs for young people.

To download a copy of Hannah’s research and access the recording of our Round Table Discussion, please fill out your details below.

"We believe the Good Cycles research is pivotal for corporate development companies aiming to create social impact as it provides strategies for empowering groups and thereby directly contributes to the socio economic uplift of local communities."
Bonny Bayne
Strategic Partnerships & Foundation Manager, Stockland

We also thank Professor Jo Barraket, Hannah’s academic mentor, and the Melbourne Social Equity Institute for the opportunity that allowed this research to take place. The community fellows program enables community organisations like Good Cycles the ability to undertake research of this focus and significance. Congratulations to Hannah on completing her research and thank you for sharing the findings with us all. 

To create employment pathways for young people, we need to listen and learn from young people themselves. We have so much gratitude for Youth Employment Program participants who shared their stories and lived experience with us in the research.

Thank you to Vaughn, a YEP participant and Assistant Manager at Purpose Precinct, who shared his experiences both in the research and at the Round Table Discussion. He gave an invaluable contribution to the discussion with his eloquent and considered perspectives.  

We extend our gratitude to our panellists, who shared their experience, knowledge and support:

Bonny Bayne (Strategic Partnerships & Foundation Manager, Stockland)

Myf Galloway (Asia Pacific Retail Training Manager, Trek Bicycle Corporation)

Quentin Mercier (Industry Capability & Inclusion Manager, John Holland)

Lara Nickless (Operations Manager, Lime Australia)

To download a copy of Hannah’s research and access the recording of our Round Table Discussion, please fill out your details below.

In social enterprise, we know the power in creating a sense of belonging through human connection. We’ve learned a lot about how to do it well and want to be a blueprint for how business can be.

If we’re making good workplaces for people who’ve experienced barriers to employment, it means that we’re making good workplaces for everyone

“Businesses need to start approaching practices differently because this is your workforce of the future. There’s only going to be more young people and they’re going to be the older people in the next few years. If you want to have a good business in ten, fifteen or twenty years, this is needs to be important to you now.”

Kirra Johnson, Executive Lead People & Impact, Good Cycles

Our first discussion event may have ended but the discussion certainly hasn’t. If anybody wants to keep talking, talk to us at Good Cycles, talk to each other, and let’s keep the discussion and action going.

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